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Recruiting PhD students interested in:

  • Neural mechanisms underlying social behavior & social information processing. 

  • Mathematical modeling of behavior or neuronal population activity.
  • Applying deep learning, interactive VR or laser scanning microscopy to neuroscience research.

Potential PhD candidates (Taiwanese or international) can apply to Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP): ​


Visiting PhD students from international universities can conduct collaborative projects in the lab for a period up to 3 years. Visiting students can be funded by the TIGP-X fellowship which provides a monthly stipend and a round-trip flight ticket. Click here for more information.

Research assistants: if you would like to explore more about the lab before pursuing a PhD, you can first work as a research assistant (salary USD 1200-1400 per month).



Contact principal investigator!

Kuo-Hua Huang

Lab location:  Room 8C08, Interdisciplinary Research Building, No. 28, Ln. 70, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 115, Taiwan (中研院跨領域大樓)


Lab affiliation: Institute of Molecular Biology @ Academia Sinica (中研院分生所)

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